Root canal therapy and other endodontic treatments have more than 95% success rates when done correctly. However, in rare cases, treated teeth may fail to heal and pain may persist or return days, weeks, or years later. When this occurs, endodontic retreatment may be necessary. Dr. Deborah Bishop is a skilled endodontist who is able to offer effective endodontic retreatment.
If we determine your failed root canal is in need of retreatment, we will utilize our state-of-the-art cone beam scanner in order to visualize the inside of the tooth in perfect detail. This should reveal your complete root canal anatomy to our team and help us more accurately diagnose the source of the infection. If necessary, Dr. Bishop will remove the old filling material, medicate the canals and when the infection has subsided, place a permanent filling in the root of your tooth. Upon completion of your retreatment, we will refer you to your general dentist for the permanent restoration.